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Neuropathic Pain

Chronic pain after surgery

July 10 , 2019
Prefer a PDF?Download What is chronic post-surgical pain? How common is it? How is it treated? Professor Julie Bruce & Professor Stephan Schug explain What is chronic post-surgical pain? Let’s start with some definitions – acute postoperative pain is the pain experienced immediately after an operation, usually lasting for days ...

Airing Pain 114: You, Your Drugs, and the Law: Gabapentinoids and medicinal cannabis

June 11 , 2019
How does the law affect people who use drugs to manage their pain? This edition is funded by Foundation Scotland On 1 April 2019 Pregabalin and Gabapentin, drugs recommended for the management of neuropathic pain, were re-classified as class C controlled substances. Medicinal Cannabis: Is it safe? Does it work ...

Airing Pain 112: Measuring Pain, Reading the Brain

April 02 , 2019
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How pain’s subjectivity makes it difficult to measure, rewiring the brain, and new research that allows patients to visualise their pain This edition is funded by the Plum Foundation. In this edition of Airing Pain, returning contributor Mark Johnson, Director of the Centre for Pain Research at Leeds Beckett ...

Airing Pain 101: Persistent Post-Operative Pain in Cancer Survivors

April 03 , 2018
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How cancer survivors can experience post-operative pain, and confronting the national issue of post-cancer treatment This edition is funded by The Agnes Hunter Trust. An ever-increasing cancer survivor rate means chronic pain associated with the condition and its treatment is growing. In the UK alone, cancer survivor rates have ...

Airing Pain 92: Diabetic Neuropathy

July 05 , 2017
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Watch your step: with 80% of amputations preventable with the proper care, we discuss diabetic neuropathy & why we should treat our feet    This programme was funded by a grant from The Schuh Trust. There are around 4.5 million people living with diabetes in the UK, and every day ...

Airing Pain 89: Dementia

April 12 , 2017
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The challenges of pain management in people with dementia, different medications and why an iPod could be latest tool in our first aid kit This programme was funded by grant from W G Edwards and the Cruden Charitable Foundation. According to a survey carried out by the Alzheimers Society, ...

Airing Pain 85: Pain in Europe

July 26 , 2016
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Why pain is a matter of life and death, the struggle for diagnosis and challenging misperceptions of palliative care This edition is funded by Grünenthal. Around 20 per cent of Europe’s adult population live with chronic pain and the consequences for individuals and society are devastating. In this edition ...

Airing Pain 84: Cancer pain

July 11 , 2016
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How cancer survivors can manage long term pain and creating a home from home at the hospital This edition is funded by the Agnes Hunter Trust. More people than ever before survive cancer, but the disease and treatment can have long-lasting effects on health, including chronic pain. In this ...

Airing Pain 79: Side Effects, Placebos and a Brief History of Nerve Pain

May 03 , 2016
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Making sense of side effects, the power of placebo, and the improving treatment of neuropathic pain This edition has been funded by friends and supporters of Pain Concern. Tens of thousands of soldiers in the First World War survived with limb amputations, but doctors and wider society were unprepared ...

Airing Pain 68: The Brain and the Genes

April 14 , 2015
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The science behind pain and its treatment, and why understanding it matters This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. If someone steps on your toe, your toe hurts – simple as that, right? Wrong! Professor Rolf-Detlef Treede explains how the brain and nervous system ...

Airing Pain 63: Interventional Pain Management

February 03 , 2015
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From nerve-blocks to spinal cord stimulators: how interventional approaches can help For a full transcript of this programme please click here. This edition has been funded by Pfizer. Physiotherapy, exercise, medications and clinical psychology all play an important role in pain management, but what happens if these treatments don’t give people ...

Airing Pain 54: Opioids, Memories and Prison Healthcare

February 12 , 2014
Delving into the issues surrounding opioids and healthcare within prisons and investigating the relationship between memory and pain This edition has been supported by a grant from the Scottish Government. Paul Evans talks to Dr Cathy Stannard, a Consultant in Pain Medicine at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol, who outlines ...