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Transcript – Programme 27: Arthritis: Challenging perceptions

February 21 , 2012
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Setting the record straight on arthritis, and practical tips on living with the condition To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download In this programme we tackle the issue, raised by Judy on our forum, of how people with arthritis – which often has no obvious physical ...

Transcript – Programme 26: Transforming Pain Services: Joining up pain management and involving the patient

February 14 , 2012
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The health professionals working to improve pain management, and the importance of getting patients more involved To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download The relationship between doctor and patient is crucial in managing pain. In this programme we look at how the British Pain Society’s newly ...

Transcript – Programme 25: A Heads-Up on Migraines

January 30 , 2012
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How to manage migraines: patients and experts share their thoughts To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Nine out of ten people report a lifetime history of head pain and 2012 has been designated the Global Year Against Headache by the International Association for the Study ...

Transcript – Programme 24: Exercise and Managing Pain

January 13 , 2012
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How swimming can help manage pain, and a Q&A session with physiotherapist Paul Cameron To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Paul Evans takes the plunge with Daphne Wood of Pain and Able to find out more about how swimming combined with the Alexander technique can ...

Transcript – Programme 23: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

January 03 , 2012
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Understanding regional pain syndrome, and treating phantom limbs with mirrors To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Paul Evans talks to Sunny Boshoff about her experience of complex regional pain syndrome and learns more about the causes of the condition from Dr Bill Macrae. We also ...

Transcript – Programme 22: Pain Support Groups and Facial Expressions

December 16 , 2011
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What facial expressions in mice can tell us about pain, managing pain in dementia patients, and finding hope in a pain support group To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download People with mental illness and chronic pain often find it difficult to access the treatment they ...

Transcript – Programme 21: Opioids and Managing Pain in Remote Areas

December 01 , 2011
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How people in remote areas manage pain, and when and how to take opioids To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download In this programme we hear about the challenges facing people with chronic pain in isolated parts of the country and how a pain management programme ...

Transcript – Programme 20: The Social Costs of Pain

November 17 , 2011
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The societal and economic impact of pain and driving pain up the agenda To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Pain has a huge impact not just on individuals but also on society, healthcare systems and the economy. Airing Pain takes a look at how the ...

Transcript – Programme 19: Family Therapy

November 03 , 2011
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How pain affects family members and how family therapy can help To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Pain can sometimes seem like an ‘uninvited guest’ or ‘intruder’ into family life. In this programme we look at the strain pain places on all personal relationships and ...

Transcript – Programme 18: Growing Older with Pain

May 24 , 2011
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How to improve pain management for older people, and living with lower back pain To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Pain has often been seen as an inevitable part of getting older. Airing Pain listened in to a panel of experts at a ‘Growing Old ...

Transcript – Programme 17: Primary Care and Pain in the Brain

May 10 , 2011
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The healthcare professionals transforming pain management, and we take a closer look at how pain is produced by the brain To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Airing Pain was at the launch of the British Pain Society’s Primary and Community Care Special Interest Group where ...

Transcript – Programme 16: Power Over Mind and Body

April 25 , 2011
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Getting mind and body working together on a pain management programme, and loosening up with hydrotherapy To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Pain management programmes teach people with pain the strategies they need to live as full a life as possible. Paul Evans talks to ...
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