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Sex and chronic pain

July 06 , 2019
Prefer a PDF?Download Persistent pain can impact on mood and on many areas of life such as work, exercise and socialising. This leaflet is designed to give advice to people who have found it more difficult or have had to give up sexual activity because of pain It is ...

TENS for pain relief

July 05 , 2019
Prefer a PDF?Download People living with long-term pain may be offered treatment with a TENS machine to help ease their symptoms, but what is it? How does it work? And what can it bring to your pain management toolkit? Physiotherapist Dr Pete Gladwell draws upon his clinical experience ...

Chronic pain after surgery

July 10 , 2019
Prefer a PDF?Download What is chronic post-surgical pain? How common is it? How is it treated? Professor Julie Bruce & Professor Stephan Schug explain What is chronic post-surgical pain? Let’s start with some definitions – acute postoperative pain is the pain experienced immediately after an operation, usually lasting for days ...