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Families and Children

Pain can sometimes seem like an ‘uninvited guest’ or ‘intruder’ into family life. Here you will find resources to help families to team up on pain together.

Children with chronic pain
Chronic pain is about as common among children as it is among adults. At any one time between 15% and 35% of school-age children may be affected by chronic pain. Yet the 2008 Chief Medical Officer’s Report warned that children’s pain is often neglected – perhaps because it is still seen as an adult problem.

Chronic pain in children can impact on many areas of everyday life including:

  • School and work (for older children)
  • Social life
  • Family relationships

You can also order our leaflet for supporting parents of a child or young person in pain from our online shop.

Do you know someone whose body always hurts? Then this leaflet created by the Walton Centre may help answer your questions.

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Airing Pain 118: Pain Management in Young People

October 1, 2019
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IASP Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable

September 11, 2019
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The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) has made 2019 their ‘Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable’. The groups included in IASP’s Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable are: older persons (including pain in dementia), infants and young children, individuals with ...

Parenting a child or young person with chronic pain

August 12, 2022
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Prefer a PDF?Download This leaflet is for parents of children and young people with chronic pain. We’ll look at some of thechallenges and how you can face them with top tips from parents, healthcare professionals andyoung people. What is chronic pain?Chronic pain is pain that has lasted ...

Adolescent patients with chronic pain may be more likely to suffer from alexithymia – article

March 21, 2018
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Investigators find adolescents with chronic pain may be more likely to experience alexithymia, a condition in which one lacks emotional self-awareness. Article from Clinical Pain Advisor Airing Pain 99: Transition Services for Adolescents with Chronic Pain ...