Information & Resources

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in the UK living with chronic pain.

About Us

Find out about Pain Concern and how
we can help you.

What we do

  • Producing information on pain using a variety of media platforms
  • Providing support to people with pain and those who care for them
  • Raising awareness about pain and campaigning to improve the provision of pain management services.
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Producing Information

Our website provides news and information as well as a hub for accessing our other services.

Our Airing Pain radio programme features the experiences of those coping with and managing their everyday pain and interviews with top, internationally recognised experts.

Our magazine Pain Matters contains news, features and comment on topics including self-management techniques, research into pain treatments and personal experiences of living with pain.

Our leaflets on self-management and other topics are authored by experts with years of experience as healthcare professionals specialising in pain. They are downloadable from the website and sent out on request.

Our social media presence on Facebook and Twitter allows us to keep our followers up to speed with the latest news.

Providing Support

Our helpline is staffed by volunteers who provide information, support or just a listening ear to people wanting to talk about their own pain or that of a family member or friend

Our community on HealthUnlocked provides members with a forum to share experiences and also hosts polls and blogs.

Research, policy and campaigning

Pain Concern conducts research providing insight into the state of pain management services and the experiences of people in pain. Our Breaking Barriers research led to the development of our Self-Management Navigator Tool. Follow the links to find out more.

Our policy team works to raise awareness of pain and advocate for improvements in pain management provision through campaigns and lobbying.

We are members of the Scottish government’s Chronic Pain Steering Group, the cross party group in the Scottish Parliament and are affiliates of the Chronic Pain Policy Coalition.

We work together with other organisations, such as the British Pain Society (BPS), the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) who share our goals.