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“The only place where I’ve been able to talk about my recurring pain!”

Safely connect with others living with pain.

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About HealthUnlocked


HealthUnlocked is an online support network for patient groups and charities hosting community pages for them. HealthUnlocked aims to gather the knowledge and experience of patients to share it with a wider patient audience, as well as providing information to health professionals about patients’ views and experiences.

For more information about HealthUnlocked, and for the terms of use and community guidelines which must be followed by users, please visit:

Moderation Policy

Moderation Policy

Pain Concern does not accept posts on the forum which contain abusive language or advertising. Any form of bullying will not be tolerated. In such cases, we are likely to delete posts and may do so without providing warning or explanation. Members who make such posts may be banned or restricted from the forum at our discretion.

Posting that is not relevant to the forum topic may also be considered misuse of the forum and removed. Other forms of misuse of the forum will be judged on a case by case basis and Pain Concern may delete posts, and restrict or ban users where we deem it necessary in order to maintain a safe environment within the forum.

Please also refer to the community guidelines of HealthUnlocked at