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Tag: mental health

Predictors of Suicide Risk in Chronic Pain Patients

February 29 , 2024
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Living with chronic pain can be a heavy burden. Indeed, people with chronic pain face double the risk of death by suicide compared to individuals without pain. And so it is vitally important to identify those at risk in order to get them the right help and ...

Managing your mental health at Christmas

December 21 , 2021
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A message from Rehab 4 addiction The festivities of the Christmas season bring happiness and joy to a lot of families and people. For some, Christmas brings a chance to have big parties, and connect with distant family and friends. For others, it's an opportunity to enjoy a lowkey ...

Airing Pain 111: Physiotherapy, Mind, Body And The Social Component

March 06 , 2019
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Anxiety and expectations, how ‘fear circuitry’ affects self-management, and the importance of social prescribing This edition is supported by friends of Pain Concern. Director of CSPC Physiotherapy in Leeds, Alison Rose, specialises in working with high-level athletes, particularly those with complex injury histories. Rose speaks to Paul about her ...

Airing Pain 93: Easy Being Green

August 07 , 2017
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AP al fresco! The benefits of gardening for our physical and mental health, plus why, when it comes to green space, size isn’t everything… This programme was funded by a grant from The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust. Getting some gentle exercise tops the NHS’ list of ten self-help tips ...

Airing Pain 54: Opioids, Memories and Prison Healthcare

February 12 , 2014
Delving into the issues surrounding opioids and healthcare within prisons and investigating the relationship between memory and pain This edition has been supported by a grant from the Scottish Government. Paul Evans talks to Dr Cathy Stannard, a Consultant in Pain Medicine at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol, who outlines ...

Airing Pain 47: The Power of the Mind

November 06 , 2013
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Investigating ancient and futuristic techniques to reduce pain using the power of the mind: from mindfulness to neuro-engineering This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. In this edition of Airing Pain Paul Evans explores the possibility of controlling pain through techniques that focus on ...

Final National Pain Audit report findings: safety protocols need to be reviewed in many services

October 30 , 2013
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A British Pain Society and Dr Foster Intelligence joint Audit has found that safety protocols need to be reviewed in many specialist pain services to ensure that mental health risk assessment and full case reviews of missed diagnoses are routinely performed. The report recommended that specialist training ...

Airing Pain 19: Family Therapy

November 03 , 2011
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How pain affects family members and how family therapy can help This programme was funded by a grant from the Big Lottery Fund, Awards for All (Scotland). Pain can sometimes seem like an ‘uninvited guest’ or ‘intruder’ into family life. In this programme we look at the strain pain ...