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Tag: psychology

Airing Pain 143: Personalised Medicine and Empowered Pain Relief

April 10 , 2024
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This edition of Airing Pain focuses on the treatment of pain, the importance of catering treatment to a person’s individual genetic makeup, and why addressing the psychological dimensions of pain is crucial in treating it effectively. The process of finding a medication or treatment that works for a ...

Airing Pain 142: Societal Inequalities and Disparities in Pain Management

February 21 , 2024
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In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul investigates the significant inequalities and disparities in treatment among primary care pain management services. Pain Concern would like to remind listeners that the topic of chronic pain can be uncomfortable for those with lived experience of chronic pain. Please read the ...

Airing Pain 140: Childhood Pain – Adverse Experiences and Parental Relationships

November 15 , 2023
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Listen to Airing Pain 140 to hear about the links between adverse childhood experiences, pain and parental mindset.

Airing Pain 128: Back Pain & Pain from a Global Perspective with the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)

June 01 , 2021
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Looking into one of the most globally prevalent types of pain, back pain, and exploring different cultural attitudes towards pain. This edition of Airing Pain was created in association with the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) and has been funded by the Plum Trust.Back pain ...

Not all in the mind

July 07 , 2019
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It is unfortunately not uncommon for people in pain to be told by others (family, colleagues or healthcare professionals) that their pain must be ‘all in the mind’. Amanda C de C Williams gives some tips on how you can respond There is a way of thinking that ...

Airing Pain 104: How Sleep And Chronic Pain Interact

July 31 , 2018
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More pain, less sleep; less sleep, more pain – The relationship is a complex one, but what are the mechanisms behind the link between sleep and pain? This edition of Airing Pain is funded by the Constance Travis Charitable Trust and the Isabella Memorial Trust. Sleep can be a ...

Airing Pain 79: Side Effects, Placebos and a Brief History of Nerve Pain

May 03 , 2016
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Making sense of side effects, the power of placebo, and the improving treatment of neuropathic pain This edition has been funded by friends and supporters of Pain Concern. Tens of thousands of soldiers in the First World War survived with limb amputations, but doctors and wider society were unprepared ...

Airing Pain 16: Power over Mind and Body

April 25 , 2011
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Getting mind and body working together on a pain management programme, and loosening up with hydrotherapy Pain management programmes teach people with pain the strategies they need to live as full a life as possible. Paul Evans talks to patients and professionals at Astley Ainslie Hospital in Edinburgh ...

Airing Pain 15: Effective Communication: Patients and professionals

April 11 , 2011
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Better communication for doctors and patients and how to make the most of medical appointments Communication is fundamental to the relationship between patient and healthcare professional. In this programme Airing Pain looks at this issue from both the patient and doctor’s point of view. Psychologist David Craig of Glasgow comments ...