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House Rules

Welcome to the Pain Concern website. On this page you will find the rules that govern all usage of our website comment facility, forum and social media platforms:

Find us on:

Health Unlocked




You Tube

Just Giving


Our aim is that Pain Concern becomes your first port of call, to keep you informed on all pain related matters, we will keep you up-to-date with our news and share links to other content on pain we’ve picked out from around the Web.

We encourage open discussion and want people to talk about the issues that affect them; we endeavour to ensure that appropriate standards are achieved across all Pain Concern online platforms. To this effect we have devised the set of community rules below that we ask you to read and adhere to before posting a comment to the website or on any Pain Concern social media portals.

We advise you to always speak to your healthcare team before acting on any advice given by other users. Remember, what works for one person may not work for another.

Your posts on Pain Concern social media pages may become public. By using Pain Concern social media pages, you agree to be contacted by our moderators if and when it becomes necessary to do so regarding your posting activity.

We commit to regularly update and monitor our platforms during Pain Concern’s office hours (10:00-16:00). We will remove or edit any contribution which breaches the bellow standards in any way as soon as is practicably possible. If you do notice any content that is in breach of our House rules, please do let us know using the facility on each website or CONTACT US and we will act on.

We reserve the right to suspend the comment facility on any of our platforms at any time and to remove posts older than six months.

This policy (House Rules) forms part of our website terms and conditions. If you have any comment feedback or question about Pain Concern’s web portals, do please get in touch.

House Rules

We welcome and encourage comments and posts on all our social media portals, please keep these few house rules in mind when contributing on our platforms:


  • Respect other people, comments should not be abusive, intimidating or offensive in nature, and should not be made to deliberately provoke other commentators.
  • Avoid excessively negative, sweeping or unbalanced comments. The fact that something may not have worked for you is disappointing but does not make it worthless.
  • Don’t include swearing, obscenity, profanity or foul language.
  • Don’t incite hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality, sexuality or any other personal characteristic.
  • Don’t link to sites or images containing pornography, gross violence, or any content likely to cause offence in any way.
  • Keep to the topic being discussed.
  • Don’t post content that constitute spamming of the site (posting the same comment over and over, non-sense comments, trolling, advertising, irrelevant web links…).
  • All content are solely in English; this includes any attachments or other forms of public display. Unfortunately, we do not currently have the resource to moderate comments in other languages.
  • Don’t break the law – this includes libel, condoning illegal activity and breaking copyright.
  • Don’t advertise commercial products and services , you can mention relevant products and services as long as they support your comment.
  • Don’t post content raising child-protection issues (child abuse, bullying, personally identifiable information or soliciting participation from kids and teens).
  • If you are aged 16 or under, please get you parent/guardian’s permission before submitting a post.
  • Don’t reveal contact details such as phone numbers, postal or e-mail addresses, or any details that can personally identify you or someone else.
  • Don’t impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or organisation.
  • Individuals commenting in their official capacity on any platform must identify their Agency relationship.
  • If you feel provoked by what you consider to be a personal comment, please try not to respond and contact the moderators who will deal with this situation as soon as possible.
  • Please also alert the moderator to anything you find offensive or abusive on any of our Web platforms. We will deal with it, in accordance with the above rules. To alert the moderator Email, Private message us, click on the ‘Report’ or ‘Flag’ link on/about the appropriate comment and send a message including a brief explanation of your reason(s) for requesting its removal.

We reserve the right to edit or remove any comment without explanation. We will normally approve comments for publication as long as they do not violate the above conditions.

Images and videos

Users posting or sharing any images with Pain Concern

  • Authorise us to publish the photos publically
  • Agree the images do not violate or infringe any copyrights.
  • Agree that Pain Concern is not liable to seek permission to publish any photos that users initially shared with us, including photos of those under the age of 18
  • Agree that any images that are obscene or off-topic in nature or violate the privacy and safety of a user will be deleted

If you find comments or images that may violate the moderation policy, you may report it to the moderators by emailing

Health Unlocked Forum

Health Unlocked has its own set of comprehensive community guidelines to which we abide on top of our own house rules above.


Pain Concern reserves the right to monitor all postings to its Facebook. All links, images and videos on our page are reactively and/or post-moderated subject to our House Rules mentioned above, we also abide by Facebook’s Community Standards

Twitter @painconcern

Pain Concern’s Twitter account delivers:

  • Links to news, blog posts, videos, clinical guidance etc.
  • Links to relevant information produced and published elsewhere (NHS organisations, patient organisations, researchers, news organisations, charities and others). This can include videos, blog posts, and retweets (RTs) from other Twitter users.
  • Interesting facts, quotes or observations related to pain or our work
  • Topical questions related to our work intended to provoke discussion
  • Retweets (RTs): Tweets we repeat (RT) do not imply endorsement on the part of Pain Concern.
  • Following: Pain Concern’s decision to follow a particular Twitter user does not imply endorsement of any kind.
  • Pain Concern Staff’s & volunteers’ Tweets, do not represent the official position of the charity, and should be considered the product of each individual.
  • Pain Concern can also Retweet and/or Favourite tweets from private individuals, which are relevant, interesting and abide by our house rules above, on top of The Twitter Rules and Policies.

YouTube Pain Concern channel

We pre-moderate comments on our You Tube page and channel according to our house rules above and to the YouTube community guidelines, these may be published on our page if they are likely to be of interest to other users, on topic and/or informative.

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