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Tag: ACT

Free ACT course for people living with pain

January 29 , 2016
Interested in trying out acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)?Check out this trial of an online ACT programme for people living with long term pain. It's FREE! To find out more about ACT for people living with pain, listen to our interview with David Gillanders. ...

Airing Pain 69: People not Patients

April 28 , 2015
Sharing decisions and why pain management needs psychology This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. Can a doctor ever be too sympathetic? Health psychologist Professor Tamar Pincus explains why this might be the case – patients with long term conditions can feel like they ...

Airing Pain 45: Helping Us to Help Ourselves

June 06 , 2013
1 Comment
Empowering patients from GP's surgery to Pain Management Programme This programme was funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Awards For All programme in Northern Ireland. Healthcare professionals and people with pain need to work together to manage chronic pain conditions, but how is this achieved in practice? Paul Evans ...

Airing Pain 16: Power over Mind and Body

April 25 , 2011
1 Comment
Getting mind and body working together on a pain management programme, and loosening up with hydrotherapy Pain management programmes teach people with pain the strategies they need to live as full a life as possible. Paul Evans talks to patients and professionals at Astley Ainslie Hospital in Edinburgh ...