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Tag: flare up

Airing Pain 57: Self-Management, Psychology and ‘Physio-terrorists’

May 20 , 2014
Stiff joints and dark thoughts: treatment of pain and the person This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. ‘Pain medicine isn’t good at dealing with the effect of pain on the person’, says Jonathan Bannister, Head of the Multidisciplinary Pain Team at Ninewells Hospital, ...

Airing Pain 27: Arthritis: Challenging perceptions

February 21 , 2012
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Setting the record straight on arthritis, and practical tips on living with the condition. This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. In this programme we tackle the issue, raised by Judy on our forum, of how people with arthritis – which often has no obvious physical ...

Airing Pain 24: Exercise and Managing Pain

January 13 , 2012
1 Comment
How swimming can help manage pain, and a Q&A session with physiotherapist Paul Cameron. This programme was funded by Pain Concern's supporters and friends, and an educational grant from Grünenthal. Paul Evans takes the plunge with Daphne Wood of Pain and Able to find out more about how swimming ...

Airing Pain 7: Exercise and Improving Mobility

December 21 , 2010
1 Comment
Getting back into exercise and improving mobility. Plus, funding for pain services, and how can we best describe pain to a health professional? Airing Pain visits the Frenchay Hospital Pain Clinic in Bristol where we hear from staff and patients. Paul Evans sits in on a consultation with physiotherapist ...