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Tag: gender

BOOK REVIEW – Endometriosis Awareness Month

March 04 , 2020
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Please Read This Leaflet Carefully by Karen Havelin Dead Ink Books, 320pp, £11.99 ISBN: 978-1911585541 Published May 2019 Review by Sarah Edwards This novel is written from the perspective of Laura, a young woman with endometriosis. It tracks her life backwards from 2016, as a working mother in New York, all the way ...

Sex and chronic pain

July 06 , 2019
Prefer a PDF?Download Persistent pain can impact on mood and on many areas of life such as work, exercise and socialising. This leaflet is designed to give advice to people who have found it more difficult or have had to give up sexual activity because of pain It is ...

Airing Pain 109: Fibromyalgia

January 07 , 2019
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Fibromyalgia management’s revised recommendations, walking as self-management, and one person’s journey with living with FM This edition has been supported by the Women’s Fund of Scotland. Fibromyalgia (FM) affects around 2% of the UK population, with 80-90% of those being women, and being a widely misunderstood condition its exact ...

Airing Pain 108: Gender Differences

November 06 , 2018
1 Comment
How men and women experience pain, arming yourself with the right information, and not being embarrassed about your condition This edition’s been part funded by the Women’s Fund for Scotland. Do women and men experience pain differently, or is it only our attitudes towards pain that differ? In this ...

Airing Pain 97: Sex and Chronic Pain

December 05 , 2017
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How chronic pain can affect both sexual and emotional intimacy, and remembering that communication is key This programme is supported by an educational grant from the Tillyloss Trust. Along with food, shelter and clothing, sexual expression is one of the basic human needs. It allows us to express love ...

Airing Pain 91: Not an Old Man’s Disease

June 07 , 2017
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We talk to campaigners, MPs, patients and specialists about the most common form of inflammatory arthritis: gout This programme was funded by a grant from The Schuh Trust. Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis and affects 1 in 40 people in the UK. So why do ...