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Tag: GP

Airing Pain 58: The Pain Toolkit

June 05 , 2014
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Learning to live with it: a toolkit for self-management This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. ‘You have to learn to live with it.’ Pete Moore’s GP told him after running out of treatment options for chronic pain. From his own experiences of learning ...

Ruth Tickner

January 10 , 2014
1 Comment
Ruth Tickner describes how pain ‘crept up on her’ over the course of several years and the blind alleys and frustrations she had to face before beginning to rebuild confidence in her body and faith in her future Pain crept up on me. I have a significant mobility ...

Airing Pain 50: Pain Services in the Community

December 19 , 2013
GPs surgery, telephone or pain clinic: where should pain management take place? [For a Welsh language transcript please click here.] This edition has been funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Awards for All Programme in Wales. ‘Good pain services, based in the community will make a huge difference to the ...

Airing Pain 38: Can Your Pharmacy Help?

March 06 , 2013
1 Comment
Finding out about the role of the pharmacist and how service users can get the most from them Paul Evans speaks to Professor David Taylor from the University College London School of Pharmacy about the perceptions and reality of the pharmacist’s role and their skills. Pharmacist Emma Hinks ...