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Tag: medical research

Letter to my patient #4 by Dr Lars Williams 

January 21 , 2025
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Dr. Lars Williams is consultant anaesthetist and pain specialist working for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Pain Service, as well as the Scottish National Pain Management Service.  In this article, originally published in Pain Matters 87, Dr. Williams explores the complexities of using opioids for chronic pain management, ...

Airing Pain 37: What is Pain?

July 27 , 2012
What pain is, and why understanding your pain is important In this programme Professor Lorimer Moseley, Professor of Clinical Neurosciences and Chair in Physiotherapy at the University of South Australia, explains the relationship between chronic pain and the brain, incorporating personal stories which illuminate this relationship. The importance ...

Airing Pain 29: Fibromyalgia

March 28 , 2012
Living with fibromyalgia, and the medical research offering hope for the future This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. Fibromyalgia affects an estimated 2.7 million people in the UK, yet it is a condition which is poorly understood leaving the people with it often facing ignorance ...

Airing Pain 22: Pain Support Groups and Facial Expressions

December 16 , 2011
What facial expressions in mice can tell us about pain, managing pain in dementia patients, and finding hope in a pain support group This programme was funded by a grant from Big Lottery Fund, Awards for All (Scotland) and an educational grant from Pfizer. People with mental illness and ...

Airing Pain 20: The Social Costs of Pain

November 17 , 2011
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The societal and economic impact of pain and driving pain up the agenda This programme was funded by an educational grant from Grünenthal. Pain has a huge impact not just on individuals but also on society, healthcare systems and the economy. Airing Pain takes a look at how the ...

Airing Pain 17: Primary Care and Pain in the Brain

May 10 , 2011
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The healthcare professionals transforming pain management, and we take a closer look at how pain is produced by the brain Airing Pain was at the launch of the British Pain Society’s Primary and Community Care Special Interest Group where we heard from healthcare professionals who are working to improve ...