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Tag: numbness

Airing Pain 124: Diabetic Neuropathy

September 01 , 2020
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Managing neuropathic pain related to diabetes, and how to adapt diet to treat the disease This edition of Airing Pain has been supported by a grant from The Champ Trust and Foundation Scotland. According to the most recent Scottish Diabetes Survey in 2018, there are an estimated 304,000 people ...

Airing Pain 115: Neuropathic Pain 1 of 2: Targeted pain management programmes

July 02 , 2019
Exploring neuropathic pain and the various ways it can be managed Understanding the differences between neuropathic and non-neuropathic pain, and the varied responses they demand. In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul Evans investigates the ideas behind Pain Management Programmes, and highlights the importance of the patient in ...

Airing Pain 94: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1 of 2

September 06 , 2017
Experts and sufferers discuss the causes and potential management of CRPS and if it can help us better understand how our bodies react to stimuli This programme was funded by grants from the RS MacDonald Charitable Trust and The Hospital Saturday Fund. The first of two programmes on complex ...

Airing Pain 92: Diabetic Neuropathy

July 05 , 2017
1 Comment
Watch your step: with 80% of amputations preventable with the proper care, we discuss diabetic neuropathy & why we should treat our feet    This programme was funded by a grant from The Schuh Trust. There are around 4.5 million people living with diabetes in the UK, and every day ...