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Tag: relationships

Book review – The Chronic Pain Couple

December 14 , 2023
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The Chronic Pain Couple, by Karra Eloff. Review by Tim Atkinson Tim Atkinson is an author, freelance writer and Vice-Chairman of the British Pain Society Patient Voice Committee. "No man is an island" wrote John Donne. To which we might add man, woman, and child. But for the chronic ...

Book review – Zoe and Zak’s Pain Hacks

December 14 , 2023
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Zoe and Zak's Pain Hacks by Dr Joshua Pate. Review by Tim Atkinson Tim Atkinson is an author, freelance writer and Vice-Chairman of the British Pain Society Patient Voice Committee. Contrary to the long-held (and, thankfully, long-discredited) notion that babies "can't feel pain" we now know that, just like ...

Domestic Abuse and Chronic Pain Resources

March 10 , 2021
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Funded by a grant from the Women's Fund for Scotland In 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Pain Concern received a grant from the Women's Fund for Scotland. With this funding we created an extended episode of our podcast, Airing Pain, on the topic of domestic ...

Airing Pain 126: Domestic Violence and Chronic Pain

January 12 , 2021
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Examining the links between domestic violence and chronic pain, particularly during the Covid-19 lockdown  This edition of Airing Pain has been funded by the Women’s Fund for Scotland.The Coronavirus pandemic has been long and isolating for everyone, but particularly for those who experience abuse. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have ...

Sex and chronic pain

July 06 , 2019
Prefer a PDF?Download Persistent pain can impact on mood and on many areas of life such as work, exercise and socialising. This leaflet is designed to give advice to people who have found it more difficult or have had to give up sexual activity because of pain It is ...

Transcript – Programme 103: Pain and Relationships

June 11 , 2018
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How pain’s unpredictability can affect interpersonal relationships, and recognising help when it appears To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download This edition of Airing Pain is funded by the JTH Charitable Trust and the Persula Foundation. With between one third and one half of people living with chronic ...

Airing Pain 103: Pain and Relationships

June 11 , 2018
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How pain’s unpredictability can affect interpersonal relationships, and recognising help when it appears This edition of Airing Pain is funded by the JTH Charitable Trust and the Persula Foundation. With between one third and one half of people living with chronic pain in the UK alone, the number of ...

Airing Pain 97: Sex and Chronic Pain

December 05 , 2017
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How chronic pain can affect both sexual and emotional intimacy, and remembering that communication is key This programme is supported by an educational grant from the Tillyloss Trust. Along with food, shelter and clothing, sexual expression is one of the basic human needs. It allows us to express love ...

Airing Pain 84: Cancer pain

July 11 , 2016
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How cancer survivors can manage long term pain and creating a home from home at the hospital This edition is funded by the Agnes Hunter Trust. More people than ever before survive cancer, but the disease and treatment can have long-lasting effects on health, including chronic pain. In this ...

Transcript – Programme 66: Not a Burden

March 18 , 2015
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The challenges facing young people in caring roles and ways to support them To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download Friends don’t always understand, they don’t get out much and they’re faced with daunting responsibilities, but they wouldn’t change a thing about their families. So say ...

Airing Pain 66: Not a Burden

March 18 , 2015
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The challenges facing young people in caring roles and ways to support them This edition is funded by a grant from the Dorothy Howard Charitable Trust. Friends don’t always understand, they don’t get out much and they’re faced with daunting responsibilities, but they wouldn’t change a thing about their ...

Airing Pain 60: Pain in the Family: Young adults 2 of 2

July 01 , 2014
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How pain affects the relationship between adults and young people and tips from a family therapist This edition has been funded by the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian’s Self-directed Support Innovation Fund. In the second of our two programmes focusing on young carers for people in pain, ...