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Airing Pain 126: Domestic Violence and Chronic Pain

Examining the links between domestic violence and chronic pain, particularly during the Covid-19 lockdown 

This edition of Airing Pain has been funded by the Women’s Fund for Scotland.

The Coronavirus pandemic has been long and isolating for everyone, but particularly for those who experience abuse. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have seen an increase in the level and severity of domestic abuse. 

In this episode of Airing Pain, our host Paul Evans discusses the isolating effects of Covid-19, trauma and how this can contribute to the development of debilitating chronic illnesses such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 

An article by author and domestic abuse survivor Kath Twigg will accompany this extended episode of Airing Pain. You can read all the articles related to this programme in this month’s issue of Pain Press, our free online supplement.

Issues covered in this programme include: Abuse, chronic fatigue syndrome, covid-19, domestic violence, fibromyalgia, nervous system, peer support, psychological pain, PTSD, social isolation, stress and women’s pain.


  • Kath Twigg, Senior Lecturer in social work, trainer, mentor, writer, and domestic abuse survivor
  • Dr Lene Forrester, Clinical Psychologist at Albyn Hospital, Aberdeen
  • Dr Joht Singh Chandan, Academic Clinical Lecturer at the Murray Learning Centre, University of Birmingham
  • Dr Kate Gillan, Clinical Psychologist for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Prof Caroline Bradbury-Jones, Head of Gender-Based Violence and Health at the University of Birmingham.

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