Pain Concern Carer Community

Pain Concern has set up a forum for young adult carers across the UK.
Based in the Lothian region, the Pain Concern Carer Community is a forum for young adult carers to discuss, share information, and keep up with news in the pain community.
With close links to our magazine and radio show, the Carer Community will be a great resource for young adult carers to get support and get in touch with Pain Concern, our expert panel, and each other. Questions you ask will be taken to our expert panel and answered later on our website.
Join the forum here.
The forum is part of a Young Adult Carers project, which aims to feature the young adult carer perspective, provide information and bring together this community. A magazine article looking at anger in relation to young adult carers features in the current issue of Pain Matters. Two Airing Pain programmes, in which we speak to young carers, families and professionals, will be broadcast in June and July. Later in the year, look out for our dedicated information leaflet.