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Airing Pain 17: Primary Care and Pain in the Brain

The healthcare professionals transforming pain management, and we take a closer look at how pain is produced by the brain

Airing Pain was at the launch of the British Pain Society’s Primary and Community Care Special Interest Group where we heard from healthcare professionals who are working to improve the management of pain conditions in the UK. The crucial role of GPs in recognising and treating pain was especially emphasised.

Plus, is pain all in the mind? Paul Evans learns about the science behind pain in the brain and the exciting studies being done by Prof Irene Tracy and her team at the Oxford University Brain Imaging Unit.

Issues covered in this programme include: Primary care, secondary care, brain imaging, medical research, policy, misconceptions, community care, education, educating health professionals, visceral pain, pelvic pain, spinal pain, neck pain, musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, painkillers and brain signals.


  • Professor Richard Langford, BPS president
  • Dr Martin Johnson, RCGP clinical champion for pain management
  • Dr Mark Porter, Celebrity GP and journalist
  • Professor Irene Tracy, Director of the Oxford university brain imaging unit
  • Ms Ann Taylor, Pain community centre, Speaker at event.
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