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Airing Pain 9: Relieving Pain: TENS and acupuncture

January 18 , 2011
 How acupuncture and TENS can help relieve pain, plus, a new web service aiming to educate health professionals about pain We take a look at the role of the pain specialist nurse in the community, eavesdropping on two consultations given by Kathryn Nur at her nurse-led clinic at ...

Airing Pain 7: Exercise and Improving Mobility

December 21 , 2010
1 Comment
Getting back into exercise and improving mobility. Plus, funding for pain services, and how can we best describe pain to a health professional? Airing Pain visits the Frenchay Hospital Pain Clinic in Bristol where we hear from staff and patients. Paul Evans sits in on a consultation with physiotherapist ...

Airing Pain 5: Learning to Live with Pain

November 23 , 2010
1 Comment
Learning how to live with pain and living with people in pain, and what pain management programmes do Pain management programmes can ‘remove the barriers’ that prevent people with pain from living a normal life, says Dr Owen Hughes of the Pain and Fatigue Management Centre in Bronllys, ...

Airing Pain 3: Children in Pain

October 26 , 2010
The hidden problem of pain in children and young people, plus tributes to Pain Concern patron Claire Rayner Chronic pain is as widespread in children and young people as in the population as a whole, but is probably even less well understood. Jan Barton and her son Sam, ...
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