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Read posts about research into chronic pain.

Airing Pain 54: Opioids, Memories and Prison Healthcare

February 12 , 2014
Delving into the issues surrounding opioids and healthcare within prisons and investigating the relationship between memory and pain This edition has been supported by a grant from the Scottish Government. Paul Evans talks to Dr Cathy Stannard, a Consultant in Pain Medicine at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol, who outlines ...

Airing Pain 47: The Power of the Mind

November 06 , 2013
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Investigating ancient and futuristic techniques to reduce pain using the power of the mind: from mindfulness to neuro-engineering This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. In this edition of Airing Pain Paul Evans explores the possibility of controlling pain through techniques that focus on ...

Can listening to music help with pain management?

October 14 , 2013
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Lloydspharmacy is looking into how listening to music can help with pain management and would like to know what you think. Have you tried listening to music to relax or distract yourself from chronic pain? Do you think it can help you to manage your pain? Lloydspharmacy would ...

Airing Pain 44: Pain Management at Both Extremes of Life

May 22 , 2013
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Pain experienced by the very young and very old and the similar issues arising when dealing with these very different types of patient This edition has been funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Awards for All Programme in Northern Ireland. In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul Evans speaks ...

Evaluation shows Airing Pain benefits people in pain

May 14 , 2013
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Airing Pain is ‘an excellent resource that gives good information and support’ and ‘makes you feel part of the pain community’, according to feedback from listeners. These comments were recorded in a recent evaluation of Pain Concern’s radio show to assess how far Airing Pain has been ...

Airing Pain 39: National Pain Audit

March 14 , 2013
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The state of pain services in England and Wales: the National Pain Audit’s findings revealed At the launch of the National Pain Audit at the Science Museum in London, Paul Evans talks to people who took a leading role in its development about the need for an audit ...

‘High variation’ in pain management care, reveals National Pain Audit

January 23 , 2013
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Pain clinics make a real difference to the majority of their users, but many patients do not have access to adequate services or face long waiting lists. These were among the findings of the National Pain Audit (NPA), the first comprehensive survey of pain management services across ...

Airing Pain 31: Brain Imaging: Looking into your pain

April 18 , 2012
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How pain can be seen in the brain, and the research showing pain to be a condition in its own right This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. In this programme we feature two areas of research which are helping in the understanding of pain. Professor Karen ...

Airing Pain 30: SUCCESSful Research into Chronic Conditions

April 05 , 2012
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How a patient group is getting involved in setting health policy for chronic conditions This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. How can patients with chronic pain get involved with research into managing their condition? Producer Paul Evans talks to SUCCESS (Service Users with Chronic Conditions ...

Airing Pain 22: Pain Support Groups and Facial Expressions

December 16 , 2011
What facial expressions in mice can tell us about pain, managing pain in dementia patients, and finding hope in a pain support group This programme was funded by a grant from Big Lottery Fund, Awards for All (Scotland) and an educational grant from Pfizer. People with mental illness and ...

Airing Pain 17: Primary Care and Pain in the Brain

May 10 , 2011
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The healthcare professionals transforming pain management, and we take a closer look at how pain is produced by the brain Airing Pain was at the launch of the British Pain Society’s Primary and Community Care Special Interest Group where we heard from healthcare professionals who are working to improve ...

Airing Pain 11: Music and Knitting

February 15 , 2011
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Paul Evans learns to knit, and how music can be used for pain relief Paul Evans gets a knitting lesson when he visits the Stitchlinks group in Bath, where people use craft activities to manage their pain. Betsan Corkhill and Mike Osbourne talk about the medical science behind ...
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