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Airing Pain 30: SUCCESSful Research into Chronic Conditions

How a patient group is getting involved in setting health policy for chronic conditions

This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends.

How can patients with chronic pain get involved with research into managing their condition? Producer Paul Evans talks to SUCCESS (Service Users with Chronic Conditions Encouraging Sensible Solutions), a group of patients, carers and former patients with experience of chronic conditions who work with researchers at Swansea University. The service users get involved with advising research teams working on healthcare policy, ensuring that patients’ priorities are reflected in social research and policy and that researchers get the benefits of the service users’ expertise.

Issues covered in this programme include: Medical research, policy, patient involvement, patient voice, patient experience, community health service, drugs, foot pain, diabetes, clinical study, head injury, memory and ankylosing spondylitis.


  • Angela Evans, Research Officer, Swansea University
  • David Rae, College of Human and Health Science, Swansea University
  • Members of SUCCESS, including Mostyn Toghill, John Flynn, Angela Evans & Jill Edge.
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