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Airing Pain 73: Foot Pain

Taking care of our feet, plus, why we need toes

This edition is funded by a grant from the Schuh Trust.

About ten per cent of the adult population experience disabling levels of foot pain. Producer Paul Evans hears from the experts about professional help, self-management and why we need toes!

Gordon Hendry explains what podiatrists do – and it doesn’t involve using a hammer and chisel to lop off a bunion – and why we should appreciate the complex and clever structures that are our feet (and toes). More women than men are affected by foot pain. Jody Riskowski weighs up whether tight-fitting shoes are to blame.

As a former elite athlete retired because of injury, Riskowski shares her experiences of rehabilitation and gives tips for finding the middle ground between overdoing it and over-resting, while Kathryn Martin tackles the issues around getting active despite foot pain.

Issues covered in this programme include: Foot pain, feet, shoes, podiatry, foot orthoses, aging, elderly people, exercise, occupational therapy, activity-rest cycle, pacing, risk factors, bones, knee pain, sports injury and tissue stress.


  • Gordon Hendry, Lecturer in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)
  • Dr Jody Riskowski, Lecturer, Institute for Allied Health Research, GCU
  • Dr Kathryn Martin, Lecturer in Epidemiology, University of Aberdeen.

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