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Powerful painkiller use ‘doubled in 15 years’ – BBC Article

September 25 , 2017
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The BBC has published an article concerning the rising use of 'potentially addictive painkillers' in England. You can read it here. ...

Pain Concern’s response to NHS England’s proposal to restrict prescribing of certain pain medicines by general practitioners

August 10 , 2017
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Pain Concern is a national charity that supports those who live with long term pain, and those who care for them, by providing information on pain and its management through a variety of media platforms. We also raise awareness about pain and the need to improve the ...

Response to news reports regarding fentanyl

August 02 , 2017
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Pain Concern supports the following press release from the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Faculty of Pain Medicine:  Response to recent news reports regarding fentanyl:The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) and The Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) are concerned with misinformation included in recent news reports regarding ...

Airing Pain 86: Sickle Cell Disease

February 01 , 2017
Patient and clinician perspectives on living with Sickle Cell disease and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach This edition has been funded by donations from Pain Concern’s friends and supporters. An estimated 15,000 people in the UK are living with Sickle Cell disease and at least 250,000 are carriers. ...

Self-management workshop in Glasgow

November 11 , 2016
Pain Concern Research Workshop - supporting people with chronic pain develop self management approaches When:14/12/2016 at 01:00pm Pain Concern invite you to join them for an afternoon workshop exploring new ways to support people with chronic pain develop approaches to improved self management. Pain Concern have recently received funding to ...

Joint Pain Concern-NHS pain education project wins awards

October 05 , 2016
Pain Concern's collaboration with Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC) NHS was a winner last night at the Alliance Scotland's Self Management Awards. The project won in the Self Management Supporting Health and Social Care Partnership of the Year category. The winning team! The pilot project nominated for the award 'West ...

Push Parliament to recognise burden of pain

September 12 , 2016
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An Early Day Motion on Chronic Pain (Number 195) has been posted in the House of Commons and currently has the signatures of over 50 MPs. The Motion urges MPs to recognise the burden chronic pain places on individuals and society and the decrease in life expectancy linked ...

Airing Pain 85: Pain in Europe

July 26 , 2016
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Why pain is a matter of life and death, the struggle for diagnosis and challenging misperceptions of palliative care This edition is funded by Grünenthal. Around 20 per cent of Europe’s adult population live with chronic pain and the consequences for individuals and society are devastating. In this edition ...

Airing Pain 84: Cancer pain

July 11 , 2016
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How cancer survivors can manage long term pain and creating a home from home at the hospital This edition is funded by the Agnes Hunter Trust. More people than ever before survive cancer, but the disease and treatment can have long-lasting effects on health, including chronic pain. In this ...

Airing Pain 83: Arthritis: From self-help to cutting edge research

June 30 , 2016
Getting moving with tai chi, staying in work and why arthritis pain is not all about the joints This edition is funded by the Agnes Hunter Trust. Over ten million people in the UK live with arthritis and it is the most common cause of pain. Professor David Walsh ...