IASP: Global year against Neuropathic Pain

The 2014-2015 Global Year Against Neuropathic Pain has launched! Sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), The Global Year Against Pain is a yearlong initiative designed to raise international awareness of pain. Each year, the campaign focuses on a different aspect of pain that has global implications.
Neuropathic pain is defined by IASP as pain arising as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system. It develops as a result of damage to, or dysfunction of, the nervous system. The pain may be constant or intermittent, and it is typically described as shooting, stabbing, burning, tingling, numb, prickling, or itching.
IASP offers a series of fact sheets for clinicians and health care professionals that cover specific topics related to neuropathic pain. These fact sheets have been translated into multiple languages and available for free download on the IASP website. Also available is a page of resources including links and free posters promoting the Global Year and information about supporting events and initiatives. For these links and more information, visit: www.iasp‐pain.org/GlobalYear/neuropathicpain
Pain Concern’s Chair, Heather Wallace, who travelled to Buenos Aires for IASP’s 15th World Congress on Pain this year, states, ‘It was a privilege to meet such diverse and fascinating clinicians from around the world. I am really glad IASP have chosen to raise awareness of Neuropathic Pain this year. It will bring much needed attention to a condition which causes a lot suffering and disability’.
Look out for Pain Concern’s leaflet on neuropathic pain to be released soon!