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Tag: CBT

Airing Pain 129: Shingles & PHN (Post Herpetic Neuralgia)

August 03 , 2021
Determining what Shingles really is and why vaccine uptake is so low? This edition of Airing Pain has been funded by a grant from The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust and The Stafford Trust What exactly is Shingles? We often hear it thrown into conversation alongside a virus many of us have already ...

IASP Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable

September 11 , 2019
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The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) has made 2019 their ‘Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable’. The groups included in IASP’s Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable are: older persons (including pain in dementia), infants and young children, individuals with ...

Airing Pain 108: Gender Differences

November 06 , 2018
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How men and women experience pain, arming yourself with the right information, and not being embarrassed about your condition This edition’s been part funded by the Women’s Fund for Scotland. Do women and men experience pain differently, or is it only our attitudes towards pain that differ? In this ...

Airing Pain 104: How Sleep And Chronic Pain Interact

July 31 , 2018
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More pain, less sleep; less sleep, more pain – The relationship is a complex one, but what are the mechanisms behind the link between sleep and pain? This edition of Airing Pain is funded by the Constance Travis Charitable Trust and the Isabella Memorial Trust. Sleep can be a ...

Study finds CBT and pain education interventions improve pain in disadvantaged patients – Article

February 27 , 2018
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Airing Pain 98: IASP Global Year of Excellence in Pain Education and North Bristol Pain Management Programme

January 03 , 2018
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What is the IASP Global Year of Excellence in Pain Education, and how does pain management research benefit the patient? This edition is funded by Pain Concern’s donors and friends, assisted by an educational grant from Grünenthal. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), formed in 1973, ...

Airing Pain 93: Easy Being Green

August 07 , 2017
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AP al fresco! The benefits of gardening for our physical and mental health, plus why, when it comes to green space, size isn’t everything… This programme was funded by a grant from The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust. Getting some gentle exercise tops the NHS’ list of ten self-help tips ...

Airing Pain 87: Vulvodynia

February 15 , 2017
From diagnosis difficulties to defining gender: the effects of Vulvodynia on women today This edition has been funded by a grant from the Women’s Fund For Scotland. Vulvodynia is a nerve-based pain, often described as a burning or stinging sensation, which affects the vulva. 1 in 7 seven women ...

Airing Pain 84: Cancer pain

July 11 , 2016
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How cancer survivors can manage long term pain and creating a home from home at the hospital This edition is funded by the Agnes Hunter Trust. More people than ever before survive cancer, but the disease and treatment can have long-lasting effects on health, including chronic pain. In this ...

Airing Pain 75: Back to Work

November 24 , 2015
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How to move from sick leave to ‘good work’ This edition is funded by a grant from the Moffatt Charitable Trust. As many as a quarter of people with chronic pain go on to lose their jobs, so what can be done to make staying in work more achievable? ...

Airing Pain 68: The Brain and the Genes

April 14 , 2015
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The science behind pain and its treatment, and why understanding it matters This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. If someone steps on your toe, your toe hurts – simple as that, right? Wrong! Professor Rolf-Detlef Treede explains how the brain and nervous system ...

Airing Pain 65: Hypnosis and Unexplained Pain

March 04 , 2015
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Bringing mind and body together to reduce pain with self-hypnosis This edition is funded by a grant from the Dorothy Howard Charitable Trust. In this edition of Airing Pain we hear how healthcare professionals can use hypnotic techniques to help people in pain. This is not the hypnosis of ...