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Tag: gabapentinoids

Neuropathic Pain leaflet

November 25 , 2019
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We are delighted to announce that our popular booklet on neuropathic pain has been revised and reprinted, thanks to an award from Foundation Scotland. The booklet, originally written by Dr John Lee, has been revised and updated by Dr Alan Fayaz, Consultant in Chronic Pain Medicine, Anaesthesia and ...

Transcript – Programme 114: You, Your Drugs, and the Law: Gabapentinoids and medicinal cannabis

June 11 , 2019
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How does the law affect people who use drugs to manage their pain? To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download On 1 April 2019, Pregabalin and Gabapentin, drugs recommended for the management of neuropathic pain, were re-classified as class C controlled substances. Medicinal Cannabis: Is it safe? Does ...

Reclassification of Pregabalin and Gabapentin

March 18 , 2019
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As mentioned in the Latest News post of 17th October 2018 - and also featured in the forthcoming issue, issue 71, of Pain Matters - as of 1st April 2019, prescription drugs Pregabalin and Gabapentin are to be reclassified as Class C controlled substances. NHS England has just published updated ...

Airing Pain 101: Persistent Post-Operative Pain in Cancer Survivors

April 03 , 2018
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How cancer survivors can experience post-operative pain, and confronting the national issue of post-cancer treatment This edition is funded by The Agnes Hunter Trust. An ever-increasing cancer survivor rate means chronic pain associated with the condition and its treatment is growing. In the UK alone, cancer survivor rates have ...

Press release on HM Government Plans to Restrict Pain Medicines 23/10/2017

October 26 , 2017
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Monday 23rd  October 2017 Government moves to reclassify pain medications pregabalin and gabapentin create  fear and anxiety for people living with long-term pain Health charity Pain Concern is warning that moves to restrict prescribed painkillers pregabalin and gabapentin over their association with rising death rates and mis-use would have ...

UK Government to reclassify pregabalin and gabapentin after rise in deaths

October 03 , 2017
We at Pain Concern wish to address the recent articles published in Pulse Today titled ‘Pregabalin and gabapentin set to become controlled drugs’ on the 21st September, and the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on the 25th September 2017 titled ‘UK government to reclassify pregabalin and gabapentin after ...

Airing Pain 92: Diabetic Neuropathy

July 05 , 2017
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Watch your step: with 80% of amputations preventable with the proper care, we discuss diabetic neuropathy & why we should treat our feet    This programme was funded by a grant from The Schuh Trust. There are around 4.5 million people living with diabetes in the UK, and every day ...

‘Don’t lose nerve on pain drugs’, Pain Concern urges

January 15 , 2015
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As a survey of UK drug use reveals a ‘significant increase in misuse’ of two of the most important drugs for chronic pain, pregabalin and gabapentin, Pain Concern is urging prescribers to ensure that these often life-changing treatments remain available to people living with pain. The charity behind ...