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Tag: pelvic pain

Bladder Pain Syndrome Leaflet

April 19 , 2022
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Take me to the leaflet Bladder pain syndrome (also known as interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome) results in pelvic pain, often made worse when the bladder is full. It may mean people have to empty their bladder very often and wake during the night to go to ...

Airing Pain 125: Opioid-Induced Constipation

November 03 , 2020
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Looking at the side effects of opioids for chronic pain management Pain Concern is grateful to Professor Lesley Colvin, Dr Paul Farquhar-Smith and the charity Maggie’s for their help and advice. While opioids are seen as an effective treatment method for acute pain, there is an increasing debate on ...

Airing Pain 71: Protect our Girls

May 26 , 2015
Persistent pain and the fight to end female genital mutilation [Tafadhali bofya hapa ili kusoma nukuu ya nakala ya programu hii iliyofasiriwa kwa Kiswahili.] This edition has been funded by a grant from Rosa: The UK fund for women and girls Over 100,000 women in the UK have been affected by female ...

Airing Pain 42: Endometriosis and Support Groups

April 24 , 2013
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Learning to manage endometriosis and how support groups can help This programme was funded by the Big Lottery Fund's Awards For All programme in Northern Ireland. Paul Evans visits an endometriosis support group in Belfast, and interviews founder Anna Jaminson and guest speaker gynaecologist Dr David Hunter. Dr Hunter discusses ...

Airing Pain 33: Gender and Communication

May 16 , 2012
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How gender can influence experiences of pain, and living with cluster headaches This programme was funded by an educational grant from Pfizer. We hear about orofacial pain (pain of the face and mouth) from Dr Barry Sessle, a professor in the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto ...

Airing Pain 17: Primary Care and Pain in the Brain

May 10 , 2011
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The healthcare professionals transforming pain management, and we take a closer look at how pain is produced by the brain Airing Pain was at the launch of the British Pain Society’s Primary and Community Care Special Interest Group where we heard from healthcare professionals who are working to improve ...

Airing Pain 12: Trigeminal Neuralgia, Pelvic Pain and Cannabis

March 01 , 2011
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Using cannabis as a painkiller, pelvic pain in men and women and living with trigeminal neuralgia Paul Evans looks at the often uncomfortable subject of pelvic pain and how both women and men can get help. Dr William Notcutt, expert on medicinal cannabis use, talks about the potential ...