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Airing Pain 111: Physiotherapy, Mind, Body And The Social Component

Anxiety and expectations, how ‘fear circuitry’ affects self-management, and the importance of social prescribing

This edition is supported by friends of Pain Concern.

Director of CSPC Physiotherapy in Leeds, Alison Rose, specialises in working with high-level athletes, particularly those with complex injury histories. Rose speaks to Paul about her experience with chronic pain as being subjective for both athletes and non-athletes, explaining it as a unique ‘puzzle’ that needs to be put together to find the core mechanisms that cause pain. We also hear about the many unexpected physical relationships within our bodies that cause pain, as well as the importance of social networks.

We then hear from Cardiff University Professor of Medical Education Ann Taylor. Professor Taylor speaks about her work exploring how those with chronic pain perceive non-pain related information, and how this information is processed through ‘fear circuitry’ which can have detrimental effects on self-management. Professor Taylor promotes more focus on the ‘social’ aspect of the biopsychosocial model and the benefit of constructive conversations between patients and their healthcare professionals, something which Pain Concern’s Navigator Tool aims to do.

We hear again from Professor Mark Johnson of Leeds Beckett University, contributor to Airing Pain 110, about the importance of delivering healthcare with a social emphasis.

Issues covered in this programme include: Anxiety, complementary therapies, confidence, culture, depression, educating healthcare professionals, emotional support, fibromyalgia, flare-up, GP, hypersensitivity, mental health, Navigator Tool, physiotherapy, policy, psychology, social care, sports injury, support groups and time banking.


  • Alison Rose MCSP HCPC, Director of CSPC Physiotherapy, Leeds
  • Professor Ann Taylor, Programme Director for the MSc in Pain Management at Cardiff University
  • Professor Mark Johnson, Professor of Pain and Analgesia and Director of the Centre for Pain Research, Leeds Beckett University.

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