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Chronic Primary Pain

New Classification for Chronic Pain

September 16 , 2019
The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). For the first time, they have included chronic pain and provided specific pain diagnoses. Under the new system, chronic pain is classified as either chronic primary pain or chronic secondary pain. Chronic primary pain is defined ...

Airing Pain 108: Gender Differences

November 06 , 2018
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How men and women experience pain, arming yourself with the right information, and not being embarrassed about your condition This edition’s been part funded by the Women’s Fund for Scotland. Do women and men experience pain differently, or is it only our attitudes towards pain that differ? In this ...

Airing Pain 103: Pain and Relationships

June 11 , 2018
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How pain’s unpredictability can affect interpersonal relationships, and recognising help when it appears This edition of Airing Pain is funded by the JTH Charitable Trust and the Persula Foundation. With between one third and one half of people living with chronic pain in the UK alone, the number of ...

Adolescent patients with chronic pain may be more likely to suffer from alexithymia – article

March 21 , 2018
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Investigators find adolescents with chronic pain may be more likely to experience alexithymia, a condition in which one lacks emotional self-awareness. Article from Clinical Pain Advisor Airing Pain 99: Transition Services for Adolescents with Chronic Pain ...

Airing Pain at 100 with the Glasgow Pain Education Sessions

March 14 , 2018
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Airing Pain’s centenary! In this landmark edition Paul Evans explores the origins of Airing Pain with founder Heather Wallace, and visits one of Pain Concern’s informative pain education sessions In 2010, Airing Pain was conceived as a way for those with chronic pain, unable to leave their homes ...

Treatment with opioids not superior to treatment with non-opioid medications – Study

March 07 , 2018
A study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that treatment with opioids was not superior to treatment with non-opioid medications in patients with chronic back pain, hip or knee osteoarthritis pain. You can find the full study here: ...

Study finds CBT and pain education interventions improve pain in disadvantaged patients – Article

February 27 , 2018
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Airing Pain 99: Transition Services for Adolescents with Chronic Pain

February 12 , 2018
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Exploring the challenges and successes that patients, parents and healthcare professionals encounter when pain in adolescents This edition was funded by a grant by the Agnes Hunter Trust. Going through adolescence can be a difficult process for anyone, but for young adults with chronic pain the difficulties of these ...

Airing Pain 98: IASP Global Year of Excellence in Pain Education and North Bristol Pain Management Programme

January 03 , 2018
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What is the IASP Global Year of Excellence in Pain Education, and how does pain management research benefit the patient? This edition is funded by Pain Concern’s donors and friends, assisted by an educational grant from Grünenthal. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), formed in 1973, ...

Airing Pain 96: The British Pain Society at 50

November 14 , 2017
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In honour of the British Pain Society reaching a 50-year milestone, current BPS president Dr Andrew Baranowski, founding member Professor Sir Michael Bond, and Pain Concern’s chair Heather Wallace were invited to discuss a wide variety of topics relating to the understanding of pain This programme was funded ...

Airing Pain 95: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 2 of 2

October 11 , 2017
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In the second part in Airing Pain’s series on complex regional pain syndrome, Paul speaks to specialists and patients at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Disease CRPS rehabilitation programme in Bath This programme was funded by grants from RS Macdonald Charitable Trust and the Hospital Saturday Fund. Complex ...

Airing Pain 94: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1 of 2

September 06 , 2017
Experts and sufferers discuss the causes and potential management of CRPS and if it can help us better understand how our bodies react to stimuli This programme was funded by grants from the RS MacDonald Charitable Trust and The Hospital Saturday Fund. The first of two programmes on complex ...