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Glenn’s Marathon Mission: Raising Awareness for Chronic Pain

Hey, I’m Glenn, a volunteer for Pain Concern and someone living with chronic pain.

On the 6th April I will be running the Brighton Marathon as part of my fundraising role for the charity! My mission is to raise awareness and funds to support others facing this challenging, and often misunderstood, condition. When I’m not advocating for this cause, you might find me enjoying time with friends or on the football field.

I’ve not long returned from Jordan, where I was teaching English, trying new food and joined a hiking club

Glenn's Marathon Mission Pain Concern
Glenn Herriott

Q & A – Insight into my Journey

What challenges have you overcome?

I have overcome feelings of negativity and “can’t do it” attitude. Also overcoming obstacles like feeling cold or pain.

What inspires you to advocate for others?

I get to meet other people with chronic pain, such as in their ankles, knees, and I want to run and represent them too during my running.

Can you share a bit more about your training process, such as challenges you face?

I stretch throroughly before and after running. Challenge is dealing with the weather. I don’t like the cold! Thankfully I have some underarmour vests to wear.

How are you balancing preparation with chronic pain?

I am pacing myself through the training and setting low expectations for myself. It may be that I’m only able to do the Bath Half Marathon in March. And that is fine with me.

Stay tuned for more about Genn’s progress!

💙 Support Glenn’s Marathon Mission for Pain Concern


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