Inspiring Volunteer Awards 2022 – Pain Concern Takes Home Awards
We are thrilled to announce that our dedicated Audio Transcription Volunteers Alisa, Fiona, Cara and Owen were recognised this year at the Inspiring Volunteer Awards held at Edinburgh City Chambers. They play a huge role here at Pain Concern making our podcasts more accessible and inclusive, particularly for service users who are deaf or have a hearing impairment.
Our Forum Volunteer Louise Cromie was also recognised for her hard work in making our online forum a safe environment to discuss pain self-management. Lou has done some great work over the year, showing empathy and problem-solving skills which our community of service users have really fed back to us.
Thank you all for all your great work! We want to say a huge congratulations and a big thank you to our whole team of valued volunteers. It is a great honour to be recognised at the Inspiring Volunteer Awards.