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Expert support for young carers

June 09 , 2014
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Are you caring for a parent, brother or sister, or other relative who has chronic pain? If so, you are not alone. According to 2011 census data from 2011 there were 177,918 young unpaid carers (5 to 17-years-old) in England and Wales. In Scotland, 100,000 young people are ...

Tell your story for Volunteers’ Week

June 02 , 2014
Did you know it’s Volunteers’ Week this week? If you have thought of volunteering, but were unsure how you could help, this is a great time to find out more. Volunteering has lots of benefits – from teaching you new skills (which could help get a job) to ...

Walking group for people with chronic pain starting soon

June 02 , 2014
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Walking and talking are known to help people living with chronic pain, and now a new group is stepping out to combine the two. Steps is a free, regular walking group led by a trained walk leader around Glasgow Green, starting on Tuesday, 17 June. Designed specifically for the ...

Pain Concern’s Annual General Meeting 2014

May 30 , 2014
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Pain Concern’s Annual General Meeting is to be held on June 30th at 6:30 pm, with refreshments provided from 6pm, at our offices in Newcraighall. Please find below links to download the relevant documents. We look forward to seeing you there. AGENDA of AGM 2014 OSCR_FINAL_COMBINED ...

Pain Concern Carer Community

May 20 , 2014
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Pain Concern has set up a forum for young adult carers across the UK. Based in the Lothian region, the Pain Concern Carer Community is a forum for young adult carers to discuss, share information, and keep up with news in the pain community. With close links to our ...

Popular Pain Concern radio programme back

April 18 , 2014
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Airing Pain, the popular digital radio programme for people living with chronic pain, will return to the airwaves for a fourth series on Tuesday 22 April at 8pm. Tens of thousands of listeners tuned into the last series and Pain Concern hope that many more will discover Airing ...

We are looking for Media Spokespeople

April 04 , 2014
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Pain Concern is developing a database on interested volunteers who feel they could share their experiences of living with pain with the Media. The Media don’t want a medical definition of chronic pain. We can give them the information. Their enquiries are more than this. They want to ...

Pain Matters Magazine: online survey

March 31 , 2014
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This survey is now closed Pain Concern would like to invite you to an online survey of our Pain Matters magazine. You can take the survey by following the Pain Matters Survey link. Since 1995 Pain Matters has been a valuable resource for many people living with pain and ...

Exploring patients’ experiences: ‘Struggling to be me’ video

March 28 , 2014
A film ‘Struggling to be me’ exploring patients’ experiences of living with chronic musculoskeletal pain, received over 2,000 hits on NIHR youtube within a 12 week period. This film presents the findings from a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Health Services & Delivery Research (HS&DR) project [1] ...

Petition on pain: ask about it and measure it

March 21 , 2014
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A new online petition is calling for the UK health authorities to improve the way they treat people in pain. The petition, launched by Jean Gaffin, Pain UK's Pain Champion for 2013, is intended to build a groundswell of support to pressure the UK Department of Health and ...