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Tag: abuse

Domestic Abuse and Chronic Pain Resources

March 10 , 2021
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Funded by a grant from the Women's Fund for Scotland In 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Pain Concern received a grant from the Women's Fund for Scotland. With this funding we created an extended episode of our podcast, Airing Pain, on the topic of domestic ...

IASP Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable

September 11 , 2019
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The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) has made 2019 their ‘Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable’. The groups included in IASP’s Global Year against Pain in the Most Vulnerable are: older persons (including pain in dementia), infants and young children, individuals with ...

Airing Pain 126: Domestic Violence and Chronic Pain

January 12 , 2021
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Examining the links between domestic violence and chronic pain, particularly during the Covid-19 lockdown  This edition of Airing Pain has been funded by the Women’s Fund for Scotland.The Coronavirus pandemic has been long and isolating for everyone, but particularly for those who experience abuse. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have ...

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation

February 06 , 2016
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Today, February 6 marks the 10th annual Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. It’s an awful thing to have to commemorate. According to the World Health Organization, about 140 million women and girls are living with the consequences of FGM–the vast majority (about 101 million) ...