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Tag: activity-rest cycle

Airing Pain 86: Sickle Cell Disease

February 01 , 2017
Patient and clinician perspectives on living with Sickle Cell disease and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach This edition has been funded by donations from Pain Concern’s friends and supporters. An estimated 15,000 people in the UK are living with Sickle Cell disease and at least 250,000 are carriers. ...

Airing Pain 73: Foot Pain

October 27 , 2015
Taking care of our feet, plus, why we need toes This edition is funded by a grant from the Schuh Trust. About ten per cent of the adult population experience disabling levels of foot pain. Producer Paul Evans hears from the experts about professional help, self-management and why we ...

Airing Pain 57: Self-Management, Psychology and ‘Physio-terrorists’

May 20 , 2014
Stiff joints and dark thoughts: treatment of pain and the person This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. ‘Pain medicine isn’t good at dealing with the effect of pain on the person’, says Jonathan Bannister, Head of the Multidisciplinary Pain Team at Ninewells Hospital, ...

Airing Pain 51: At the Community Pain Management Programme

January 06 , 2014
1 Comment
Practical insights and life-changing experiences at a community pain management course [For a Welsh language transcript please click here.] This edition has been funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Awards for All Programme in Wales. In the previous edition of Airing Pain we explored the pros and cons of taking ...

Airing Pain 45: Helping Us to Help Ourselves

June 06 , 2013
1 Comment
Empowering patients from GP's surgery to Pain Management Programme This programme was funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Awards For All programme in Northern Ireland. Healthcare professionals and people with pain need to work together to manage chronic pain conditions, but how is this achieved in practice? Paul Evans ...