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Airing Pain 66: Not a Burden

March 18 , 2015
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The challenges facing young people in caring roles and ways to support them This edition is funded by a grant from the Dorothy Howard Charitable Trust. Friends don’t always understand, they don’t get out much and they’re faced with daunting responsibilities, but they wouldn’t change a thing about their ...

Airing Pain 62: Independent Living

July 29 , 2014
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How to get support in regaining independence and the physical and mental health benefits of social exercise This edition has been funded by a grant from the Moffat Charitable Trust. How can people left disabled and housebound by chronic pain be supported to live independently? Producer Paul Evans visits ...

Airing Pain 58: The Pain Toolkit

June 05 , 2014
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Learning to live with it: a toolkit for self-management This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. ‘You have to learn to live with it.’ Pete Moore’s GP told him after running out of treatment options for chronic pain. From his own experiences of learning ...

Airing Pain 57: Self-Management, Psychology and ‘Physio-terrorists’

May 20 , 2014
Stiff joints and dark thoughts: treatment of pain and the person This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. ‘Pain medicine isn’t good at dealing with the effect of pain on the person’, says Jonathan Bannister, Head of the Multidisciplinary Pain Team at Ninewells Hospital, ...

Airing Pain 51: At the Community Pain Management Programme

January 06 , 2014
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Practical insights and life-changing experiences at a community pain management course [For a Welsh language transcript please click here.] This edition has been funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Awards for All Programme in Wales. In the previous edition of Airing Pain we explored the pros and cons of taking ...

Airing Pain 41: Inside a Multidisciplinary Pain Team

April 10 , 2013
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A look at how experts from different backgrounds work together in multidisciplinary pain teams This edition was funded by the Big Lottery Fund's Awards For All programme in Northern Ireland. Presenter Paul Evans travels to Northern Ireland to meet a multidisciplinary pain team at Craigavon Area Hopsital, including doctors, ...

Airing Pain 32: Pain Management Programmes

May 03 , 2012
What is a pain management programme? We find out more with the patients and staff on the Glasgow programme This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. Airing Pain sheds some light on pain management programmes: what they are, and how they can help. Paul Evans pays a ...

Airing Pain 29: Fibromyalgia

March 28 , 2012
Living with fibromyalgia, and the medical research offering hope for the future This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. Fibromyalgia affects an estimated 2.7 million people in the UK, yet it is a condition which is poorly understood leaving the people with it often facing ignorance ...

Airing Pain 26: Transforming Pain Services: Joining up pain management and involving the patient

February 14 , 2012
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The health professionals working to improve pain management, and the importance of getting patients more involved. This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. The relationship between doctor and patient is crucial in managing pain. In this programme we look at how the British Pain Society’s newly ...

Airing Pain 18: Growing Older with Pain

May 24 , 2011
How to improve pain management for older people, and living with lower back pain Pain has often been seen as an inevitable part of getting older. Airing Pain listened in to a panel of experts at a ‘Growing Old with Pain: Innovation, Creativity and Development’ conference in Edinburgh to hear ...

Airing Pain 16: Power over Mind and Body

April 25 , 2011
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Getting mind and body working together on a pain management programme, and loosening up with hydrotherapy Pain management programmes teach people with pain the strategies they need to live as full a life as possible. Paul Evans talks to patients and professionals at Astley Ainslie Hospital in Edinburgh ...

Airing Pain 15: Effective Communication: Patients and professionals

April 11 , 2011
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Better communication for doctors and patients and how to make the most of medical appointments Communication is fundamental to the relationship between patient and healthcare professional. In this programme Airing Pain looks at this issue from both the patient and doctor’s point of view. Psychologist David Craig of Glasgow comments ...