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Parenting a child or young person with chronic pain

August 12 , 2022
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Prefer a PDF?Download This leaflet is for parents of children and young people with chronic pain. We’ll look at some of thechallenges and how you can face them with top tips from parents, healthcare professionals andyoung people. What is chronic pain?Chronic pain is pain that has lasted ...

Sex and chronic pain

July 06 , 2019
Prefer a PDF?Download Persistent pain can impact on mood and on many areas of life such as work, exercise and socialising. This leaflet is designed to give advice to people who have found it more difficult or have had to give up sexual activity because of pain It is ...

Chronic pain after surgery

July 10 , 2019
Prefer a PDF?Download What is chronic post-surgical pain? How common is it? How is it treated? Professor Julie Bruce & Professor Stephan Schug explain What is chronic post-surgical pain? Let’s start with some definitions – acute postoperative pain is the pain experienced immediately after an operation, usually lasting for days ...

Airing Pain 114: You, Your Drugs, and the Law: Gabapentinoids and medicinal cannabis

June 11 , 2019
How does the law affect people who use drugs to manage their pain? This edition is funded by Foundation Scotland On 1 April 2019 Pregabalin and Gabapentin, drugs recommended for the management of neuropathic pain, were re-classified as class C controlled substances. Medicinal Cannabis: Is it safe? Does it work ...

Airing Pain 112: Measuring Pain, Reading the Brain

April 02 , 2019
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How pain’s subjectivity makes it difficult to measure, rewiring the brain, and new research that allows patients to visualise their pain This edition is funded by the Plum Foundation. In this edition of Airing Pain, returning contributor Mark Johnson, Director of the Centre for Pain Research at Leeds Beckett ...

Airing Pain 111: Physiotherapy, Mind, Body And The Social Component

March 06 , 2019
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Anxiety and expectations, how ‘fear circuitry’ affects self-management, and the importance of social prescribing This edition is supported by friends of Pain Concern. Director of CSPC Physiotherapy in Leeds, Alison Rose, specialises in working with high-level athletes, particularly those with complex injury histories. Rose speaks to Paul about her ...

Airing Pain 109: Fibromyalgia

January 07 , 2019
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Fibromyalgia management’s revised recommendations, walking as self-management, and one person’s journey with living with FM This edition has been supported by the Women’s Fund of Scotland. Fibromyalgia (FM) affects around 2% of the UK population, with 80-90% of those being women, and being a widely misunderstood condition its exact ...

Airing Pain 110: Living with Cancer Pain

February 05 , 2019
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Living with a diagnosis, what palliative care entails, and non-pharmacological treatments This edition is funded by the Agnes Hunter Trust. According to Cancer Research UK, 50% of all people in England and Wales diagnosed with cancer survive their disease for ten years or more. This edition of Airing Pain ...

Transcript – Programme 109: Fibromyalgia

January 07 , 2019
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Fibromyalgia management’s revised recommendations, walking as self-management, and one person’s journey with living with FM To listen to this programme, please click here. Prefer a PDF?Download This edition has been supported by the Women’s Fund for Scotland. In 2016, EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) published its Revised Recommendations for the Management of ...

Airing Pain 108: Gender Differences

November 06 , 2018
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How men and women experience pain, arming yourself with the right information, and not being embarrassed about your condition This edition’s been part funded by the Women’s Fund for Scotland. Do women and men experience pain differently, or is it only our attitudes towards pain that differ? In this ...

Airing Pain 105: Singing, Laughter, Speech and Pleasure

August 01 , 2018
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Singing, laughing and the feel good factor; Pain management, the fun way This edition was funded by the Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust. The British Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) allows the multidisciplinary nature of the society to be reflected through seminars, scientific programmes, lectures, and workshops. Participants can attend ...

Airing Pain 104: How Sleep And Chronic Pain Interact

July 31 , 2018
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More pain, less sleep; less sleep, more pain – The relationship is a complex one, but what are the mechanisms behind the link between sleep and pain? This edition of Airing Pain is funded by the Constance Travis Charitable Trust and the Isabella Memorial Trust. Sleep can be a ...
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