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Pain Concern Statement on new NICE guidelines for management of chronic primary pain

April 12 , 2021
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12 April 2021 Pain Concern know from calls and emails to our helpline that these new guidelines are causing distress and anxiety to people living with chronic pain. Whilst we welcome the guidance on collaborative working between patients and healthcare professionals, and are pleased that the guidelines support ...

Domestic Abuse and Chronic Pain Resources

March 10 , 2021
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Funded by a grant from the Women's Fund for Scotland In 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Pain Concern received a grant from the Women's Fund for Scotland. With this funding we created an extended episode of our podcast, Airing Pain, on the topic of domestic ...

Pain Matters 76 – Out Today

September 07 , 2020
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Our new issue, Pain Matters 76, is published today, Monday 7 September What do we mean when we talk about pain? In this edition of Pain Matters, we have invited the members of the Flippin’ Pain™ campaign to guest-edit a pain neuroscience education special. A public health campaign delivered by Connect ...

Neuropathic Pain leaflet

November 25 , 2019
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We are delighted to announce that our popular booklet on neuropathic pain has been revised and reprinted, thanks to an award from Foundation Scotland. The booklet, originally written by Dr John Lee, has been revised and updated by Dr Alan Fayaz, Consultant in Chronic Pain Medicine, Anaesthesia and ...

Pain Matters 73: Neuropathic pain special – Out Now!

October 31 , 2019
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We are delighted here at Pain Matters HQ to have the neuropathic pain team from University College London Hospital Pain Management Centre guest-editing issue 73. This edition of the magazine takes an in-depth look at all aspects of neuropathic pain, from what it is to how best to manage ...

New Airing Pain – Available Tuesday 7 July

June 29 , 2020
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On Tuesday 7 July 2020, Airing Pain returns, with producer Paul Evans looking into opioid medication for chronic pain. Tune in as he speaks to two world-reknowned pain specialists, a GP and a chronic pain patient who maganged to reduce her medication, looking into the opioid addiction crisis, the rates ...

Pain Matters is 25!

May 25 , 2020
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In Spring of 1995, the first Newsletter of the Pain Concern (UK) Lothian Group was issued. The newsletter was printed at a volunteer’s house on ordinary copy paper and had articles from clinicians and patients. Demand grew and by Issue 22 (Autumn 2000) it was Pain Concern ...

New Airing Pain – Out Now

May 13 , 2020
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Visiting the forefront of research into pain conditions As research for a Covid-19 vaccine is a priority for the scientific community, this edition of Airing Pain focuses on the roles of researchers, and in particular the many disciplines that come together to increase the understanding, and therefore the ...

Covid-19 Challenges and Advice

May 05 , 2020
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Pain Concern and Covid-19 With the current pandemic causing uncertainty and confusion around the world, we will continue to keep our followers and supporters updated with any news relevant to people living with pain, their friends, family and healthcare professionals. We will strive to do our best to ...