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Volunteers’ Week 2024

A smiling John FInch receiving his Trustee of the Year Award

A joyous John Finch receiving his award for Trustee of the Year as part of Volunteers’ Week 2024

Celebrating Volunteers’ Week 2024: Honouring Our Outstanding Team

June was a month of celebration here at Pain Concern, as we’ve had the privilege of recognising some of our incredible volunteers and staff during Volunteers’ Week 2024. Their dedication and hard work have made a lasting impact on our community, and we couldn’t be more proud.

John Finch – Trustee of the Year

We are thrilled to announce that John Finch, one of our remarkable team members, has won the Trustee of the Year award for his exceptional contributions to Pain Concern.

Inspiring Volunteer Awards

In addition, the Inspiring Volunteer Awards at Edinburgh City Chambers honored Marjorie Fisher and Samantha Mason. A special highlight of the event was our founder and chief executive, Heather Wallace, receiving the Lord Provost’s Inspiring Volunteer of the Year award.

Heather’s inspiring engagement with health professionals has helped improve understanding and appreciation of the impacts of pain and related conditions and has had a profound impact on the latest Pain Education project.

Lord Provost Robert Aldridge

At Pain Concern, our work would not be possible without the dedication of incredible individuals like Heather, Samantha, John, and Marjorie. We are endlessly proud of our volunteers and staff. They offer their support in so many ways. Their efforts continue to forge a meaningful difference in the pain community.

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