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Tag: family

Airing Pain 66: Not a Burden

March 18 , 2015
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The challenges facing young people in caring roles and ways to support them This edition is funded by a grant from the Dorothy Howard Charitable Trust. Friends don’t always understand, they don’t get out much and they’re faced with daunting responsibilities, but they wouldn’t change a thing about their ...

Airing Pain 60: Pain in the Family: Young adults 2 of 2

July 01 , 2014
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How pain affects the relationship between adults and young people and tips from a family therapist This edition has been funded by the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian’s Self-directed Support Innovation Fund. In the second of our two programmes focusing on young carers for people in pain, ...

Airing Pain 59: Pain in the Family: Young adults 1 of 2

June 17 , 2014
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The experiences of young people whose family is affected by pain and a campaign to help improve their lives This edition has been funded by the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian’s Self-directed Support Innovation Fund. Lost childhood, financial burden, emotional turmoil and guilt – these are some ...

Airing Pain 52: Better Care for People in Pain

January 15 , 2014
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How to ensure people in pain get the best treatment: a new guideline for chronic pain in Scotland This edition has been funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. At the launch of a new guideline on treatment of chronic pain in Scotland, Paul Evans speaks to patients ...

Airing Pain 51: At the Community Pain Management Programme

January 06 , 2014
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Practical insights and life-changing experiences at a community pain management course [For a Welsh language transcript please click here.] This edition has been funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Awards for All Programme in Wales. In the previous edition of Airing Pain we explored the pros and cons of taking ...

The Ellis Family

May 14 , 2013
Tom Ellis developed chronic pain after falling on ice. His father Richard describes how the family pulled together to get through their ‘year from hell’ At the start of 2012 the nation was full of optimism, anticipation and great expectation for the forthcoming year: a year that would ...

Airing Pain 42: Endometriosis and Support Groups

April 24 , 2013
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Learning to manage endometriosis and how support groups can help This programme was funded by the Big Lottery Fund's Awards For All programme in Northern Ireland. Paul Evans visits an endometriosis support group in Belfast, and interviews founder Anna Jaminson and guest speaker gynaecologist Dr David Hunter. Dr Hunter discusses ...

Airing Pain 40: Children in Pain

March 28 , 2013
The pain management needs of children and young people and the impact of their pain on family life This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. This programme focuses on pain in children and young people, including the different needs they have and the unique challenges that ...

Airing Pain 10: Young People in Pain

February 01 , 2011
Patients and health professionals at a residential pain management programme in Bath talk about the pain management needs of younger people and the aims of the programme Paul Evans visits the Centre for Pain Services at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases at Bath to find out ...

Airing Pain 3: Children in Pain

October 26 , 2010
The hidden problem of pain in children and young people, plus tributes to Pain Concern patron Claire Rayner Chronic pain is as widespread in children and young people as in the population as a whole, but is probably even less well understood. Jan Barton and her son Sam, ...