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Tag: peer support

Domestic Abuse and Chronic Pain Resources

March 10 , 2021
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Funded by a grant from the Women's Fund for Scotland In 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Pain Concern received a grant from the Women's Fund for Scotland. With this funding we created an extended episode of our podcast, Airing Pain, on the topic of domestic ...

Airing Pain 119: Experts by Experience: Working together in pain management programmes

November 05 , 2019
Patient volunteers and healthcare professionals on working together in pain management programmes This edition of Airing Pain has been supported by a grant from the Plum Trust. In September, the British Pain Society’s special interest group on pain management programmes held their annual conference. A workshop entitled ‘Experts by ...

Airing Pain 126: Domestic Violence and Chronic Pain

January 12 , 2021
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Examining the links between domestic violence and chronic pain, particularly during the Covid-19 lockdown  This edition of Airing Pain has been funded by the Women’s Fund for Scotland.The Coronavirus pandemic has been long and isolating for everyone, but particularly for those who experience abuse. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have ...

Airing Pain 62: Independent Living

July 29 , 2014
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How to get support in regaining independence and the physical and mental health benefits of social exercise This edition has been funded by a grant from the Moffat Charitable Trust. How can people left disabled and housebound by chronic pain be supported to live independently? Producer Paul Evans visits ...

Airing Pain 59: Pain in the Family: Young adults 1 of 2

June 17 , 2014
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The experiences of young people whose family is affected by pain and a campaign to help improve their lives This edition has been funded by the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian’s Self-directed Support Innovation Fund. Lost childhood, financial burden, emotional turmoil and guilt – these are some ...

Pain Concern Carer Community

May 20 , 2014
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Pain Concern has set up a forum for young adult carers across the UK. Based in the Lothian region, the Pain Concern Carer Community is a forum for young adult carers to discuss, share information, and keep up with news in the pain community. With close links to our ...

Airing Pain 55: More Power to You

April 24 , 2014
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Prescriptions for yoga and harnessing the power of social interaction This edition has been supported by a grant from the Scottish Government. In Airing Pain episode 55 we hear about two very different ways of giving people in pain the knowledge and power to help themselves. Will we soon be able ...

Airing Pain 42: Endometriosis and Support Groups

April 24 , 2013
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Learning to manage endometriosis and how support groups can help This programme was funded by the Big Lottery Fund's Awards For All programme in Northern Ireland. Paul Evans visits an endometriosis support group in Belfast, and interviews founder Anna Jaminson and guest speaker gynaecologist Dr David Hunter. Dr Hunter discusses ...

Airing Pain 40: Children in Pain

March 28 , 2013
The pain management needs of children and young people and the impact of their pain on family life This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. This programme focuses on pain in children and young people, including the different needs they have and the unique challenges that ...

Airing Pain 32: Pain Management Programmes

May 03 , 2012
What is a pain management programme? We find out more with the patients and staff on the Glasgow programme This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. Airing Pain sheds some light on pain management programmes: what they are, and how they can help. Paul Evans pays a ...

Airing Pain 28: Self-Management: Pacing and communication

March 15 , 2012
Learning to manage pain with Arthritis Care’s self-management programme This programme was funded by Pain Concern’s supporters and friends. In the previous edition of Airing Pain we featured the work of the charity, Arthritis Care, and, following up from that programme, Paul Evans looks into their self-management programme, the Challenging Pain ...